sábado, 26 de maio de 2018


Italy's first black senator: my election shows far right is not anti-immigration
Toni Iwobi, originally from Nigeria, says his election for the League shows far right party has no problem with ‘legal migration’

Iwobi, who owns an IT company, came to Italy in the late 1970s to study in Perugia. He later moved to Spirano, where he said he found the two loves of his life: his Italian wife and the League, then known as the Northern League. He became a councillor for the party in 1995.

Iwobi, a Catholic, argues that people should travel to Italy legally, just like he did. “I came on a student visa,” he said. “During that period over 40 years ago, coming here meant needing a visa. My party is fighting to restore legal immigration.”


Most non-white immigrants in Italy are legal immigrants from India, China, Bangladesh, Latin America, Romania (Gypsies), Albania, and the Middle East.


salvini - o mesmo que nao deportou ninguem e continua usando a marinha italiana pra resgatar invasores no mar mediterraneo.

Um comentário:

  1. Ao serem perguntadas se casariam com homem negro, maioria das mulheres ucranianas entrevistas disseram não:

